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Global consortium pioneers ammonia cargo transfer between ships at Australian port

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SINGAPORE, Sept 19 (Reuters) -Japan's Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Norway's Yara and Singapore's Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation said they had jointly completed an ammonia cargo transfer operation in Australia that will pave the way for ammonia bunkering in the region.

Ammonia is one of several alternative fuels that shipping companies are exploring to reduce carbon emissions, though its bunkering infrastructure is still in preliminary development.

The Pilbara region in Australia's northwest is expected to become an ammonia bunkering hub in the future due to the Dampier port's experience with exporting ammonia, Mitsui O.S.K Lines 9104.T said in its statement.

The trial was conducted to simulate bunkering conditions at the Dampier port, an ammonia production region, and marked the world's first ship-to-ship transfer of ammonia to have taken place for vessels at anchorage, the companies said this week.

"The successful ship-to-ship transfer of ammonia is a critical learning step forward in enabling ammonia bunkering operations in a port environment as global shipping moves to effective use of clean ammonia as a fuel," said Murali Srinivasan, senior vice president and commercial head at Yara YAR.OL.

During the trial, two ship-to-ship transfers consisting of 4,000 cubic meters of ammonia took place between a gas carrier owned by Mitsui O.S.K Lines and another carrier owned by Navigator Gas.

The transfers were led by the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, which has been conducting trials and studies to enable alternative fuels for refuelling ships.

Reporting by Jeslyn Lerh; Editing by Jamie Freed


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