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Soccer-Juve players will 'give even more' after Bremer injury, says Motta

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Oct 5 (Reuters) -Gleison Bremer's Juventus team mates will "all give something more", manager Thiago Motta said on Saturday, after the defender suffered a potential season-ending injury during the team's midweek Champions League tie.

The Brazilian, who had played every minute this season until he was forced off early in the 3-2 win over RB Leipzig, suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury which could keep the defender out for most of the rest of the campaign.

"Gleison is an important player for us. I'm very sorry for the boy, because already, humanly speaking he is fantastic, technically I don't need to say it, we all know it," Motta told a press conference before Sunday's game with Cagliari.

"From now on we will all give something more, also because if it had been another teammate who had to stop like that, I am convinced that he would have taken this responsibility to give something more every day.

Motta will also be without forward Timothy Weah, winger Nicolas Gonzalez, midfielder Vasilije Adzic, along with long-term absentee Arkadius Milik, but the manager expects a positive response from his players at home to Cagliari.

"Whoever comes in, I am convinced they will give something more," Motta said.

"Always thinking about the well-being of the team and giving a good performance to obtain the positive result which is what we want to do.

"Tomorrow, in our stadium, our home, in front of our fans, a full ground, a great football atmosphere and we will do our job well from the first to the last minute."

Juventus impressed in Europe, recovering not only from early injuries to Bremer and Gonzalez, but they also went behind twice and had keeper Michele Di Gregorio sent off, and Motta wants his side to keep that enthusiasm without getting carried away.

"The enthusiasm, used well, is always good, and we use it to work," the manager said.

"We use it to come to the pitch every day and do our job well. This is the great advantage of being able to work with enthusiasm.

"It helps and we want to maintain that enthusiasm but it only depends on us. We will always have our feet on the ground, aware of our strengths, and using our strengths in the right way."

French midfielder Paul Pogba had his four-year doping suspension cut to 18 months on Friday, meaning he can return to action in March, but for now Motta's only concern is the immediate future of his team.

"On Paul Pogba, the club will evaluate what to do," Motta said.

"As for me, Pogba has been a great player, who hasn't played for a long time. Now I'm focused on tomorrow's game and everything else doesn't matter much to me at this moment."

Reporting by Trevor Stynes; Editing by Mike Harrison


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