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USD/JPY volatility to persist on broad uncertainties

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Oct 28 (Reuters) -Japan's Diet Lower House elections have resulted in a resounding loss for the Liberal Democrat-Komeito coalition nL1N3M300Q. USD/JPY is likely to remain volatile as Japanese political uncertainty will be compounded by risks around the U.S. election,U.S. jobs data Friday and the Bank of Japan's Oct 31policy announcement.

The BOJ is not expected to hike rates on Halloween, offeringdomestic markets a treat rather than a trick especially with the political situation in flux nL4N3LR0J0 nL4N3LF09I. That said, many will be eyeing the policy statement and outlook, and Governor Kazuo Ueda'spress conference.

The U.S. jobs report Friday could significantlyimpact Treasuryyields and theyield curve. Unemployment is seen unchanged at 4.1% and non-farm payrolls up 123,000 versus a rise of 254,000 in September.

U.S. elections on Nov 5may prove to be the biggest uncertainty nL4N3M0220. Markets seemto be tilting towards a Donald Trump victory but a Kamala Harris presidency is not an impossibility. A Trump win is perceived as signallinga strong U.S. dollar and higher U.S. rates.

USD/JPY rallied to 153.88 EBS in Asia following the ruling LDP-Komeito coalition loss. The Nikkei initially fell after the openbut has since rallied as offshore investors recouped stocks sold last week withlikely related currency hedges nL1N3M400X.

Although USD/JPY is on a much higher perch and well-above the 150 level viewedby Japan's Ministry of Finance as "excessive", Tokyo players think theMOF will find it hard to intervene to push the yen higher given the currentpolitical situation.

Higher or lower, USD/JPY is likely to see extreme volatility in the days ahead. Related nL1N3M400E, nL1N3M30FI.

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Haruya Ida is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own. Editing by Sonali Desai


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