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USD/JPY still risks this correction breaking 150.00

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July 25 (Reuters) -A well timed bout of USD/JPY interventions (as a U.S. easing cycle begins) has been fuelled by the paring of short JPY positions and has raised the probability of a 150.00 break/extension.

The market was holding the biggest JPY short position in many years and despite USD/JPY already falling 10 big figures from its new multi decade high at 161.96 on 3 July, there should be plenty more shorts to offload.

USD/JPY could lose more ground next week if the BoJ go further than expected in reducing Japanese government bond buying and raising interest rates. A 0.1% rise to 0.2% is current priced at around 65% according to interest rate futures.

The BoJ is followed later on Wednesday by the U.S. Federal Reserve. There's just a 6.5% probability of The Fed cutting rates before its September meeting. However, if it does start on July 31 and/or brings forward the timing and extent of further cuts, U.S. yields and the USD would shift in favour of JPY.

The options market is certainly wary of more volatility and USD/JPY losses. Implied volatility and its premium for options that give holders the right to sell USD/JPY versus buy it, are trading highs last seen amid intervention on April 29 and May 1. There's also been demand from option end-users for sub 1-month expiry 150.00 JPY calls that would allow holders to sell USD/JPY at 150.00 if required.

Recoveries are likely to remain limited before those central bank meetings and with a market still very short of JPY, the risk of further USD/JPY losses and a potential break of the psychological 150.00 barrier remain a high probability.

For more click on FXBUZ

(Richard Pace is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own)


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