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Raw sugar prices ease, robusta coffee sets new peak

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Adds comments, weekly price moves

NEW YORK, Aug 30 (Reuters) -Raw sugar futures fell on Friday, although ending the week with a 5% gain, as the market consolidated just below the prior session's six-week high, while robusta coffee prices set a new 16-year peak.


* October raw sugar SBc1 settled down 0.51 cent, or 2.6%, at 19.38 cents per lb, slipping from the prior session's six-week high of 19.98 cents.

* Dealers said the market went through some profit taking after the recent strong run, while traders were still trying to fully assess the damage caused by recent fires in Centre-South Brazil.

* "The global sugar market has become increasingly sensitive to developments in Brazil given the output challenges and export restrictions in India, and over the past week the market upturn has been fuelled by concerns over Brazilian output sparked by fires in Sao Paulo," analyst BMI said in a note.

* October white sugar LSUc1 fell 1.9% to $546.80 a metric ton.

* The International Sugar Organization (ISO) on Friday, in its first assessment of the 2024/25 season, forecast there would be a global sugar deficit of 3.58 million metric tons.


* November robusta coffee LRCc2 settled up $47, or 1%, at $4,948 a ton after peaking at $5,180, the highest level in at least 16 years. The contract gained 5% in the week.

* Dealers said the market remained buoyed by tight supplies and concerns that extreme heat earlier this year is likely to reduce the size of the next harvest in top robusta producer Vietnam.

* December arabica coffee KCc2 fell 1.4% to $2.4405 per lb.

* "We thought (arabica) market would eventually break the 260 mark this week," said Brazil-based trader Thiago Cazarini. "Apparently buying sort of dried up, profit taking came into play and yesterday's presentation of 50,000 bags for grading have all confronted our view," he said.


* December New York cocoa CCc2 settled up $58, or 0.8%, to $7,671 a ton.

* December London cocoa LCCc2 rose 1.1% to 5,332 pounds per ton.

* Both New York and London contracts ended the week down 2%.

Reporting by Nigel Hunt and Marcelo Teixeira; editing by Jason Neely, Susan Fenton and Shinjini Ganguli


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