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Japanese investors adapt to new yield, FX realities

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Sept 27 (Reuters) -Japanese investors are carefully mappingout possible courses of action on shifts in central bank expectations since the summer, concomitant moves in both overseas and domestic yields as well asforeign exchange moves.

Japanese banks have been at the forefront of recent action, dumping until recentlyprofitable carry trades en masse alongside funds and switchingto fresh sources of profit.

Steepening yield curves in Japanand the U.S. appearto be enticing many into classical lend-long, fund-shortstrategies. With respectto the U.S., an increase in long-term loans may be seen along with purchases of longer-term coupons.

Such plays would not be affected by yen strength or weakness. Only the repatriation of profits would be adversely affected by furtheryen strength. Should the yen weaken again, windfallprofits can be expected.

Japanese life and casualty insurers are having a harder time with foreign investments. Anecdotal evidence suggests this bloc has been paringits foreign bond investments in particular on likely central bank moves abroad and at home, and also accounting for a considerably stronger yen with USD/JPY mostlybetween 140-145 now versus a 161.96 highon July 3.

Recent ralliesto record highs in overseas equity indexesshould sustaininterest in these marketsbut with a close eye on currency movements and anyfurther yen strength.

Future investment intentions will likely firm up after Japan's Liberal Democratic Party leadership election Friday. A win and ascendancy of Shigeru Ishiba to prime minister is seen asJPY-supportive; a win by Sanae Takaichi JPY-negative. A win by Shinjiro Koizumi is consideredneutral as he has vowed to call early general elections.

For more click on FXBUZ

USD/JPY: https://tmsnrt.rs/4gDatwW

JGB-US Treasury 10-year interest rate differential: https://tmsnrt.rs/4drkKcG

DowJones Index: https://tmsnrt.rs/3N2SOkJ

Haruya Ida is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own. Editing by Sonali Desai


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