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Hong Kong's New World Development shares jump by a fifth after CEO resigns

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Company logged first annual net loss in two decades

Core profit from continuing operations down 18%

JP Morgan says new management unlikely to offer quick fix

Recasts and writes through

By Clare Jim

HONG KONG, Sept 27 (Reuters) -Shares of Hong Kong's New World Development 0017.HK jumped 20% in early Friday trade after the loss-making and indebted property developer announced a change at the helm.

New World said on Thursday that Eric Ma would be promoted to chief executive from chief operating officer, replacing Adrian Cheng, the third-generation scion of the firm's founding family.

The surprise resignation took some of the sting out of New World's swing to a HK$19.7 billion ($2.5 billion) net loss for the financial year ended June on a drop in revenue, high funding costs and large impairments.

That was its first annual loss in two decades and compares with a net profit of HK$548 million the previous year. On a core income from continuing operations basis, though, it logged a profit of HK$6.9 billion, down 18%.

JP Morgan said the change in management would unlikely offer a quick fix to the company's deteriorating balance sheet, noting that adjusted net gearing had increased to 85% from 77%.

New World "will need to undergo a painful deleveraging process in the next few years through asset disposals ... investors' confidence may not be revived until more proof of easing in liquidity stress," it said.

Friday's surge in shares valued New World at roughly $3.2 billion, far less than the $12 billion when Cheng took on the top job in May 2020.

It is uncommon for an outsider to lead the business of a Hong Kong tycoon family, but analysts said changing corporate culture by bringing in professional management could be good for the firm.

"We believe operational continuity for large-scale well-established firms hinges on a system rather than an individual, while professional management may be more pragmatic on cost and risk," Citi said in a research note.

New World, which has the highest debt among its Hong Kong peers, said it would dispose of non-core assets worth HK$13 billion but reiterated it will not consider a rights issue.

Reporting by Clare Jim; Editing by Anne Marie Roantree and Edwina Gibbs


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