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AirBaltic is in pre-IPO talks with one strategic partner, says CEO

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Updates with CEO quotes, background

By Joanna Plucinska

LONDON, Sept 16 (Reuters) -Latvian carrier airBaltic is in pre-IPO talks with one strategic investor at the moment, Chief Executive Martin Gauss told Reuters on Monday, declining to comment on reports that the airline was in discussions with Lufthansa regarding an investment.

"In our case, we are talking to one strategic pre-IPO investor," Gauss said in an interview in London, adding that in the IPO preparation phase, the carrier could talk to other anchor and cornerstone investors.

Gauss had previously said that he sees airBaltic one day being part of a larger airline group like Lufthansa LHAG.DE, but on Monday he reiterated that he does not see that happening in the next five years.

Executives, analysts and investors say the European airline sector needs further consolidation to thrive as many smaller national carriers continue to struggle.

Gauss said airBaltic's unique wet lease business - whereby it leases out some of its aircraft to other airlines on a temporary basis to plug capacity gaps - gave it an advantage ahead of its initial public offering as airlines around the world faced jet shortages and delivery delays. The IPO on Nasdaq Riga is set for either the second half of this year or early in 2025.

Recent events such as the machinists' strike at Boeing BA.N, which could worsen delivery delays for the plane manufacturer, could further help airBaltic's business, he said.

Last week, Lufthansa said it was extending its wet lease partnership with airBaltic for another three years past the summer of 2025.

Gauss said airBaltic was also in talks with potential clients for its wet lease business in Saudi Arabia, India and central Africa.

He declined to comment on the specific timing of the IPO.

"There is a ... general opinion that around the (U.S.) election date, it's not a good time to go to the markets, right?" He also said that if airline shares continue to perform poorly, that could push airBaltic's IPO to a later date.

Reporting by Joanna Plucinska; Editing by Kevin Liffey and Susan Fenton


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