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USD/JPY in 147-150 range, rate expectations in flux

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Oct 10 (Reuters) -Tokyo players expect USD/JPY to remain ina core 147-150 range barringany fresh news that could jar the pair out of its current reverie. Central bank expectations appearto be in flux with the U.S. Federal Reserve still soundingdovish despite last Friday'sstrong jobs report.

A number of Fed officials have since made dovish comments including San Francisco's Mary Daly nS0N3L509H, nS0N3L509I, nL1N3LL17E, Vice Chair PhilipJefferson, Boston's SusanCollins and Governor Adriana KuglerTuesday and Wednesday nL1N3LL00Q, nL1N3LL0Y0 and St Louis' AlbertoMusalem, Minneapolis' NeelKashkari and Chicago's AustanGoolsbee Friday-Monday nL1N3LK00K.

As to the Bank of Japan, it may still be holding on to a hawkish bias. Economy MinisterRyosei Akazawa saidTuesday that the government trusts the BOJ's judgement on policy, suggesting rate hikes would be fine if economic data supported such a move nP8N3KF0CF. The comment has watered down new Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba's Oct 2 statement that Japan is not ready for additional rate hikes nP8N3KT00F.

Massivenearby option expiries over the next week are also likelyto contain spot action and suggest a core 147-150 range. Wednesday saw hefty expirieson the 147 handle. Thursday sees $2 billionbetween 149.50-55, $1.2 billionbetween 149.80-90 and $1.1 billionat 150.00. Friday sees $1.3 billionbetween 150.00-15. On the downside, Monday Oct 14 sees $2.6 billion at 149.00.

There isalso talk of possible option barriers at 150.00, a level which could be heavily defended.

Japanese exporters have been busier of latetoo with Japan Inc. budget assumptions for the fiscal year averaging 145.15 for all firms and 144.96 for big manufacturers nAZN2BBK5M. At recent Tokyo fixes, exporter sales have at times overwhelmed importer purchases.

Related nL1N3LM00B, previous comment nL1N3LF00R, also nL1N3LL03B, nL1N3LK19K. For more click on FXBUZ

USD/JPY: https://tmsnrt.rs/4eDW2qQ

USD/JPY nearby option expiries into next week: https://tmsnrt.rs/3TXAgWH

US-G7 5-year yield spreads and the dollar: https://tmsnrt.rs/4gX2Hhl

Haruya Ida is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own. Editing by Sonali Desai


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