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Romanian central bank holds benchmark interest rate at 6.50%

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Adds bank comment, analyst, updates throughout

BUCHAREST, Oct 4 (Reuters) -Romania's central bank held its benchmark interest rate ROINTR=ECI at 6.50% on Friday after two consecutive cuts, as it expects inflation's downward path to be more erraticthis year and uncertainty remains high ahead of elections.

A majority of analysts polled by Reuters had expected the decision, although the consensus was thatrates would be cutby another quarter point by year-end. The bank's last meeting this year is on Nov. 8.

The Romanian central bank was the last in Central and Eastern Europe to begin cutting rates, in July, holding off as fiscal slippage and tax changes slowed a decline in inflation.

With presidential and parliamentary elections in November and December, the bank's scope to cut the benchmark rate further is limited by widening budget and current account deficits.

The bank said prolonged drought over the summer followed by flash floods as well as a rise in some commodity prices amid broader fightingin the Middle East will keep inflation on a higher path than previously expected.

"According to current assessments, the annual inflation rate will decline until end-2024 on a fluctuating and higher path than that shown in the August 2024 medium-term forecast," it said in a statement.

The bank's current forecasts have inflation falling back within target to 3.4% at end-2025 from an expected 4.0% this December, but uncertainty was highas the government that emerges from the elections will need to reduce the EU's highest budget deficit.

Some analysts said a cut in November was by no means certain.

"The decision ... to pause [the] easing cycle today seems to reflect growing concern about the persistence of underlying inflationary pressures and elevated fiscal risks ahead of the upcoming election," Capital Economics emerging Europe economist Nicholas Farr said in a statement.

"We think that interest rates will remain on hold again next month, and that monetary easing in 2025 will be more limited than most analysts expect."

Reporting by Luiza Ilie; Editing by Kevin Liffey


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