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Argentina looks to tame crypto market as money-laundering fears draw scrutiny

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By Noelle Harff

July 18 (Reuters) -A new law could help Argentina regulate its booming cryptocurrency market as the country aims to reduce risks such as money-laundering associated with the digital assets, experts say.

In the last year, Argentina saw $85.4 billion worth of crypto transactions, making it one of the largest crypto havens in the world, according to data platform Chainalysis, as Argentines seek to battle triple-digit inflation and a struggling currency.

On Wednesday, the Argentine government signed a fiscal package that includes tax amnesty for individuals who declare up to $100,000, including registered crypto assets.

Roberto Silva, president of the National Securities Commission, said the amnesty could ease pressure from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an organization tied to the World Bank, IMF, and United Nations, to regulate Argentina's crypto market.

“Today, we are focused on amending everything that has to do with money-laundering and reporting entities," Silva said.

The FATF has threatened to move Argentina to its grey list, a step that increases monitoring of the country and could stifle foreign direct investment, increase international interest rates, and risk a GDP decline, according to an IMF analysis.

Silva said registration of crypto assets is the first step toward regulation. He hinted the rules will likely follow those put in place by the United States.

Ignacio Gimenez, executive director at Lemon Cash, one of Argentina's largest crypto exchanges, said the exchange has updated its system to let users voluntarily register assets with the government.

In May and June, Argentina intensified its crackdown on crypto-related crime. The prosecutor's office carried out 64 simultaneous raids that led to 20 domestic and 10 international arrests tied to smuggling, money-laundering and illegal gambling.

Argentine leaders will meet with FATF in Paris in October as the task force continues to assess the level of Argentina's money-laundering and terrorist financing.

Reporting by Noelle Harff; Editing by Alexander Villegas and Rod Nickel


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