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Trading stays quiet in Vietnam, tighter supply in Indonesia

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By Phuong Nguyen and Mas Alina Arafin

HANOI/BANDAR LAMPUNG, Indonesia, Oct 17 (Reuters) -Trading activities in Vietnam have not picked up yet as traders are waiting for new beans that will arrive next month, while in Indonesia, premiums slightly rose on tighter supplies, traders said on Thursday.

Farmers in the Central Highlands, Vietnam's largest coffee-growing area, sold beans COFVN-DAK for 113,300-113,800 dong ($4.50-$4.52), little changed from last week's 112,800-113,500 dong range.

"Farmers are gradually harvesting early-ripening beans but mainly Arabica," the Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam said in a note earlier this week.

"The harvest volume of the 2024/25 crop year is still small and not enough for the international markets."

Traders in the Central Highlands said rains had been recorded in the area and noted rains at the moment were actually good for the beans. But they said if it rained in November, beans quality would be hurt.

Robusta coffee LRCc2 for November delivery settled down $26 at $4,752 per metric ton as of Wednesday's close.

Reuters reported this week Vietnam's coffee output this 2024/25 crop season may fall between 5% and 10%, compared with the previous one.

Traders offered 5% black and broken-grade 2 robusta COFVN-G25-SAI at a discount range of $10-$30 per ton to the January contract.

In Indonesia, Sumatra coffee beans were quoted at $60 premium to the November contract. The premium was $50 to the December contract last week, one trader said.

"Higher premium was due to declining supplies. Remaining stock are only available at large warehouses," the trader said.

Another trader offered $70 premium to the December contract this week, and $80 premium to the January contract, similar to last week.

($1 = 25,180 dong)

Reporting by Phuong Nguyen and Mas Alina Arifin; Editing by Devika Syamnath


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