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Taiwan denounces China for ending tariff exemptions on farm goods

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TAIPEI, Sept 19 (Reuters) -Taiwan denounced China on Thursday for suspending tariff exemptions on agricultural imports from the island, saying it was "economic coercion" and not conducive to improving relations.

China, which claims democratically governed Taiwan as its own territory, has ramped up its pressure on Taipei over the past five years, both militarily and economically.

China's finance ministry late on Wednesday said it would suspend tariff exemptions on 34 agricultural items imported from Taiwan, including fresh fruits, vegetables and aquatic products, effective from Sept. 25.

"Taiwan's unilateral adoption of discriminatory measures such as bans and restrictions on the export of mainland products has seriously impeded cross-Strait economic and trade cooperation," it added.

Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council said China's actions were "yet another act of economic coercion against Taiwan, which hurts the interests of farmers and fishermen across the Taiwan Strait and will only result in resentment from farmers and fishermen and the general public in Taiwan".

"It is not conducive to the long-term development of cross-strait relations," the council said in a statement.

In a separate statement, Taiwan's Agriculture Ministry said China had already been implementing non-tariff barriers against Taiwanese agriculture, pointing to previous bans on mangoes, pineapples and other fruit for food safety reasons.

The ministry added it continues to promote exports to "high consumption" markets outside of China.

Agriculture is not a major part of Taiwan's tech-dominated economy but it is politically sensitive given much farming takes place in the southern part of the island which is a stronghold of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

China has repeatedly suspended tariff exemptions for goods from Taiwan, including for some chemical imports in December shortly before Taiwan held presidential and parliamentary elections.

China detests Taiwan President Lai Ching-te, who took office in May, saying he is a "separatist". Lai says only Taiwan's people can decide their future and has offered talks with Beijing but been rebuffed.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Stephen Coates


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