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Sugar prices rise as Brazil's output falls; robusta coffee also gains

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Adds comments on sugar, updates prices

NEW YORK, Sept 12 (Reuters) - Sugar prices on ICE rose on Thursday following negative production data from Brazil, while robusta coffee futures closed up for the fourth consecutive session.


* October raw sugar SBc1 ​settled up 0.34 cent, or 1.8%, at 19.07 cents per lb.

* Dealers said negative production data out of Brazil, the top global producer, boosted prices.

* Sugar output in Brazil fell 6% late in August to3.26 million metric tons as mills reduced the amount of sugarcane they earmark for sugar production, data fromindustry group UNICA showed.

* Brokers said fires on some 230,000 hectares of cane plantations in Brazil will likely cut yields, reducing sugar production.

* October white sugar LSUc1 rose 2.1% to $540.10 a ton.

* French sugar maker Cristal Union expects its 2024 sugar beet yield to reach the five-year average, it said.


* November robusta coffee LRCc2 settled up $69, or 1.4%, at $5,077 a ton, heading back towards the 16-year peak of $5,180 on Aug. 30.

* Robusta remains boosted by tight supplies, with all eyes on the coming crop in Vietnam, the top producer.

* Coffee prices in Vietnam rose slightly this week, with coffee crops unharmed by typhoon Yagi and trading expected to remain subdued until the harvest next month.

* Flooding will return to Vietnam's coffee regions throughout the next one to two weeks in a negative outlook for the budding crop, according to LSEG weather analysts.

* December arabica coffee KCc2 rose 1.1% to $2.494 per lb.


* December New York cocoa CCc2 settled down $140, or 1.8%, to $7,588 a ton, having surged by 6.3% on Wednesday.

* The global cocoa stocks-to-grinding ratio has dropped to its lowest reading in almost 50 years amid a steep decline in output, but production could recover from next month, the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) told Reuters.

* Aside from the expected crop recovery in the 2024/25 (October-September) season, cocoa is also under pressure from signs of weakening demand. Ivory Coast's cocoa grind fell 11.1% on a year-on-year basis inAugust, data showed.

* Wet spells might delay cocoa harvesting across West Africa's cocoa belt over the next week, LSEG weather analysts said.

* December London cocoa LCCc2 ​fell 0.8% to 5,312 pounds per ton.

Reporting by Maytaal Angel and Marcelo Teixeira
Editing by David Goodman, David Evans and Paul Simao


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