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Polish army helicopters join flood defence effort

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By Kuba Stezycki

WROCLAW, Poland, Sept 20 (Reuters) -Polish army helicopter pilots have been putting skills they learned preparing for combat into fighting floods that have left a trail of destruction across central Europe.

While many towns have seen residents' possessions strewn across the streets amid piles of mud and other debris, other areas of Poland have been spared the worst of the floods thanks to the work of emergency services and volunteers.

Lieutenant Colonel Piotr Ciechan, commander of the special operations air unit, said there were similarities between the combat skills military aviators trained for and those needed for flying missions during the floods.

"We are trained in rescue flights, landing flights, and transporting heavy loads... in this case those skills are being used," he said.

Helicopters have been used to lower sandbags into flood defences, reinforcing embankments or sealing those that have broken.

"We were also doing patrolling flights to evaluate the damage... and potential threats," said Ciechan. "We were also doing flights with water and food."

For Slawomir Kalita, an MI-17 helicopter pilot, helping protect people from the floodwaters is as important as any combat mission.

"I am here to serve my country and serve my people and whether it is to help with the flood embankment or whether it is protecting my country, fighting in the international missions, for me, the emotions are very similar," he said.

Reporting by Kuba Stezycki, writing by Alan Charlish, Editing by Alex Richardson


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