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Norway sovereign wealth fund commits $1 bln to renewable energy fund

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Adds quote from Norwegian wealth fund, details on CIP fund in paragraphs 4-5 and CIP quote in paragraph 6

By Louise Rasmussen

COPENHAGEN, Aug 26 (Reuters) -Norway's sovereign wealth fund said on Monday it will commit 900 million euros ($1.01 billion) to the latest renewable energy fund of investment firm Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP).

Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM) committed the sum to CIP's fifth flagship fund CI V, which invests in offshore and onshore wind, solar farms, grid and distribution, as well as storage, the world's largest sovereign wealth fund said in a statement.

NBIM, which has assets of $1.7 trillion, invests revenue from Norway's oil and gas industry in global stocks, fixed income, real estate and renewable energy assets.

"(This deal) will provide further investment possibilities and exposure to other parts of the value chain, as well as the opportunity to continue building knowledge and experience with new markets and technologies," the NBIM said.

CIP expects to conclude fundraising for CI V above the target fund size of 12 billion euros. It reached a first close at 5.6 billion euros in capital commitments in June last year, according to its website.

"The commitment underlines that our ability to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns, while providing clean, affordable energy and creating local growth and jobs, is attractive to the world's largest and most ambitious investors," CIP said in an emailed statement.

The investments will be equally split between the three regions of North America, Western Europe and developed countries in the Asia Pacific region, NBIM said.

($1 = 0.8945 euros)

Reporting by Louise Breusch Rasmussen, editing by Terje Solsvik, Kirsten Donovan


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