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NET4GAS says it wins arbitration case against Gazprom Export payments

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Adds details on arbitration, background from paragraph 3

PRAGUE, Sept 13 (Reuters) -Czech gas transmission system operator NET4GAS has won an arbitration case against Russian group Gazprom Export over payments it was owed, the Czech company said.

In a filing late on Thursday, NET4GAS said a tribunal had "ordered (Gazprom Export) to pay the claimed amount together with default interest and reimburse N4G for the costs of the proceedings."

Gazprom and Gazprom Export did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

NET4GAS has said it was claiming 113 million euros from Gazprom Export after the Russian shipper failed to make payments under contracts following the halt in supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream pipeline in 2022.

A spokesman declined on Friday to give any further information on the claim. NET4GAS has said that payments form Gazprom contributed three quarters of its revenue before Russia's full invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Gazprom in the meantime won a claim of equal size in a Russian court against NET4GAS, which NET4GAS said was in blatant breach of international law.

Gazprom was a major shipper through the NET4GAS network, which carried gas from northern border with Germany to southern Germany through the Czech Republic as well as to Slovakia.

The halt in shipments via the Nord Stream pipeline in 2022 and rearrangement of gas flows in Europe have caused the company to lose a substantial part if its business, and at present mostly serves only for imports for domestic needs.

The Czech government acquired the company including outstanding debt of around 33 billion crowns ($1.46 billion) last year from Omers and Allianz Infrastructure to raise national energy security.

Reporting by Jan Lopatka and Jason Hovet;Editing by Elaine Hardcastle


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