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Colombia mining group warns government decree puts sector at risk

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BOGOTA, Oct 17 (Reuters) -Colombia's mining association warned on Thursday that the sector was at risk of being paralyzed by legal uncertainty, after a government decree published this year gave authorities the ability to establish so-called temporary environmental zones.

The decree allows Colombia's environment ministry to declare areas as natural resource reserve zones for a five-year period, which can be renewed.

"All mining is at risk of being paralyzed," Juan Camilo Narino, head of the Colombian Mining Association, said at a press conference. "No one is going to invest with this much uncertainty."

One of the first regions which could be put under the scheme is the Santurban high altitude wetland in the department of Santander, Narino said, where firms are interested in gold exploration activities and where artisanal miners are already present.

Environment Minister Susana Muhamad does not want to completely halt mining, Narino said, but is looking to minimize the risks to flora, fauna and water sources.

Colombia is an important producer and exporter of thermal coal and gold, and is looking to boost exploration efforts for metals like copper.

The South American nation's mining sector is an important generator of foreign currency, taxes and royalties.

Last year, the sector paid the state 17 billion pesos ($3.99 billion) in taxes and royalties, Narino said.

He warned of a drop in foreign investment and lower output by miners this year as a result of the government measure.

"The sector just needs clarity," he said, adding the legal uncertainty was compounded by insecurity caused by illegal armed groups and frequent protests by local communities who oppose mining projects or who are looking for a share of investments.

Reporting by Luis Jaime Acosta; Editing by Aida Pelaez-Fernandez and Alistair Bell


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