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Why Canada's railways are seeing an unprecedented labor stoppage

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Updates with lockout

By David Ljunggren

OTTAWA, Aug 22 (Reuters) -For the first time, Canada's two main railway companies - Canadian National Railway CNR.TO and Canadian Pacific Kansas City CP.TO - are seeing a simultaneous labor stoppage that could inflict billions of dollars' worth of economic damage.


Contract talks between the Teamsters union and the companies usually take place a year apart, but in 2022, after the federal government introduced new rules on fatigue, CN requested a year-long extension to its existing deal rather than negotiate a new one.

This meant both companies' labor agreements expired at the end of 2023 and talks have been ongoing since. As a result, for the first time the failure of negotiations would halt the vast majority of the Canadian freight rail system.

The Teamsters represent more than 9,000 members who work as locomotive engineers, conductors, train and yard workers and rail traffic controllers at the two companies in Canada.


CN Rail and CPKC locked out workers on Thursday after failing to reach a deal.

CPKC, created in 2023 through a merger of Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Southern, has a U.S. and Mexican network which it says will operate normally. CN also says trains on its U.S. network will run.

That said, the stoppage will disrupt shipments south of the border. Both rail operators and some of their U.S. competitors began to refuse certain cross-border cargoes that would rely on the CN and CPKC networks ahead of the lockout.

The railways move grain, autos, coal and potash, among other shipments.


The union says CPKC wants "to gut the collective agreement of all safety-critical fatigue provisions", meaning crews will be forced to stay awake longer, boosting the risk of accidents.

CPKC says its offer maintains the status quo for all work rules, "fully complies with new regulatory requirements for rest and does not in any way compromise safety."

The Teamsters say CN wants to implement a forced relocation provision, which would see workers ordered to move across Canada for months at a time to fill labor shortages.

CN says it has made four offers this year on wages, rest, and labor availability while remaining fully compliant with government-mandated rules overseeing duty and rest periods.


Under article 107 of the federal labor code, Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon has broad powers and can order the sides to enter binding arbitration. In 2023, his predecessor, Seamus O'Regan, issued such an order to end a dockworkers strike in British Columbia. In that case, unlike the current rail dispute, the sides had largely agreed on the outlines of a deal.

MacKinnon has rejected a request by CN for binding arbitration, urging the sides instead to put in more effort at the negotiating table.

GRAPHIC-Canada Railroads https://reut.rs/3Ar1I8r

Reporting by David Ljunggren; Editing by Rod Nickel and Paul Simao


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