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Visa aims for 10-fold rise in Pakistani use of digital payments

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Visa targets 10-fold rise in Pakistan's digital payment acceptance

Partnership with 1Link to enhance remittances and payment security

IMF deal and regional policies support Pakistan's digital payment

By Ariba Shahid

KARACHI, Sept 11 (Reuters) -Visa V.N plans to increase the number of businesses accepting digital payments in Pakistan tenfold over the next three years, the payments giant's general manager for Pakistan, North Africa and Levant told Reuters.

The comments from Leila Serhan came as Visa announced a strategic partnership with 1Link, Pakistan's largest payment service provider, aimed at streamlining remittances into the South Asia country and also encouraging digital transactions.

Pakistan, with a population of 240 million, is home to one of the world's largest unbanked populations. Only 60% of its 137 million adult population, or 83 million adults, have a bank account, based on central bank estimates.

Visa is investing in building digital payment infrastructure in the country, aiming to make digital payments less costly and more manageable.

Currently, Pakistan has 120,541 point of sales (POS) machines, according to central bank data.

Visa intends to significantly increase this number. "Some businesses have more than one POS machine. We're aiming at ten-folding businesses' acceptance (of digital transactions)," said Serhan.

The strategy involves technology that transforms phones into payment instruments and accepting various forms of payment, including QR and card tap. Visa aims to expand beyond large cities and mainstream businesses to include smaller merchants.

The 1Link deal aims to improve the process for sending and receiving remittances, including bolstering payments security, boosting such transactions via legal channels.

As one of the top remittance recipients globally, Pakistan relies heavily on funds from overseas Pakistanis, which constitute a vital source of foreign exchange and significantly contribute to the country's GDP.

"We're really looking forward to finishing this technical integration in the coming months, and I think it's going to be a game changer for a lot of the consumers in Pakistan," said Serhan.

The partnership with 1Link will also enable 1Link's PayPak cards to be accepted on Visa's Cybersource Platform for online transactions, despite PayPak being a competitor in digital payments.

Pakistan signed a $7 billion bailout deal with the International Monetary Fund in July, which includes reforms such as raising revenue and documenting the economy.

"Digital payments are going to be at the heart of what the government wants to do from a digitization perspective, and we will continue to partner with them," Serhan said.

Reporting by Ariba Shahid;
Editing by Mark Potter


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