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US warns Iran at UN of 'severe consequences' in case of new attacks

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Adds Iran comment in paragraphs 4-5, Israeli comment in paragraphs 6-8, Chinese comment in paragraph 9, Russian comment in paragraph 10-11, British comment in paragraph 12

By Michelle Nichols

UNITED NATIONS, Oct 28 (Reuters) -The United States warned Iran atthe United Nations Security Council onMonday of "severe consequences" if it undertakes any further aggressive acts against Israel or U.S. personnel in the Middle East.

"We will not hesitate to act in self defense. Let there be no confusion. The United States does not want to see further escalation. We believe this should be the end of the direct exchange of fire between Israel and Iran," U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield told the 15-member council.

The Security Council met after Israel struck missile factories and other sites in Iran before dawn on Saturday. It was retaliation for Iran's Oct. 1 attack on Israel with about 200 ballistic missiles.

Iran's U.N. Ambassador Amir Saied Iravani accused Washington of being "complicit" through military support for its ally.

"Iran has consistently championed diplomacy," he told the council. "However, as a sovereign state, the Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its inherent right to respond at a time of its choosing to this act of aggression."

Israel's U.N. Ambassador Danny Danon called on the Security Council to impose "crippling sanctions" on Iran's military and economic infrastructure and "take the necessary measures to prevent a lunatic regime from attaining nuclear capabilities."

He described Israel's strikes on Iran as "measured and proportionate" and said it would continue to defend itself.

"Any further aggression will be met with consequences that are swift and decisive," Danon told the council, adding that "Israel does not seek war."

China's U.N. Ambassador Fu Cong called on the United States - without specifically naming it - "to put saving lives and preventing war" first and support action by the U.N. Security Council to push for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and a de-escalation of fighting between Israel and Lebanon.

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia called out the United States for its support of Israel.

"Jerusalem is not ready to give up on its choice to resolve all of its conflict situations with neighbors exclusively by force. Their determination to act that way is ... because they have the support and cover from American allies," he said.

Iran should not respond to Israel's weekend attack, said Britain's U.N. Ambassador Barbara Woodward, adding: "All sides must exercise restraint. No good can come of pouring more fuel on the flames of this escalating cycle of violence."

Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Eric Beech and Deepa Babington


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