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US judge rejects medical center's bid to 'neuter' NLRB

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By Daniel Wiessner

Sept 16 (Reuters) -A federal judge in Chicago has ruled that a nonprofit medical center is unlikely to prevail in its challenge to the structure of the National Labor Relations Board, and declined to block the agency's case against the center from moving forward.

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey Cummings in a written decision on Friday said he disagreed with Alivio Medical Center's claims that NLRB administrative judges and the board's five members are improperly shielded from being removed at will by the U.S. president.

Those protections are designed to preserve the NLRB's status as an independent agency, Cummings said, and were upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court nearly 90 years ago in a case involving the Federal Trade Commission, which has a similar structure to the labor board.

"Alivio’s position – if accepted – would neuter the National Labor Relations Act by blocking all proceedings before the ... independent agency that has steadfastly and exclusively enforced the statute for the past eighty-nine years against entities accused of unfair labor practices," wrote Cummings, an appointee of Democratic former President Barack Obama.

Cummings denied Alivio's motion to block an administrative case against it from proceeding pending the outcome of its lawsuit.

An NLRB spokeswoman declined to comment. Lawyers for Alivio did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Alivio sued the board last month, following the example of more than a dozen other employers that have brought lawsuits challenging various aspects of the agency's structure in an effort to fend off NLRB administrative cases.

Cummings' ruling came after judges in Detroit and Washington, D.C., last week separately refused to block NLRB cases against an auto parts manufacturer and a Massachusetts hospital pending the outcome of challenges to the board's structure.

In July, two judges in Texas appointed by Republican former President Donald Trump temporarily blocked board cases against rocket maker SpaceX and pipeline operator Energy Transfer. The judge in the SpaceX case said that removal protections for administrative judges and NLRB members were likely invalid, while the other decision addressed only administrative judges.

Alivio is accused in the underlying board case of failing to bargain with a union before firing workers who allegedly provided false information to establish their legal authorization to work in the United States.

The nonprofit, which faces a hearing before an administrative judge scheduled for later this month, says that federal immigration law required it to terminate the workers.

The case is Alivio Medical Center v. NLRB, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, No. 1:24-cv-07217.

For Alivio: Grant Pecor of Barnes & Thornburg; Scott Cruz of UB Greensfelder

For the NLRB: David Boehm

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Reporting by Daniel Wiessner in Albany, New York


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