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US industry seeks easing of steep Biden-Harris China tariff hikes

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By David Lawder

WASHINGTON, Aug 26 (Reuters) -The Biden-Harris administration this week is expected to announce final implementation plans for steep tariff increases on certain Chinese imports, and if U.S. industry gets its way, many of the planned duties would be softened.

Manufacturers from electric vehicles to electric utility equipment have asked for the higher tariff rates to be reduced, delayed or abandoned, and for potential exclusions to be greatly expanded.

President Joe Biden in May announced a quadrupling of tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles to 100%, a doubling of duties on semiconductors and solar cells to 50%, as well asnew 25% tariffs on lithium-ion batteries and other strategic goods including steel to shield U.S. firms from Chinese excess production.

The White House had said initially the new tariffs would take effect on Aug. 1 but thatwas delayed until some time in September as the U.S. Trade Representative's office studied more than 1,100 public comments. A final determination isdue by the end of August.

Whether to ease the tariffs is the administration's first major trade decision since Vice President Kamala Harris emerged as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee after Biden stepped aside in late July.

The decision is politically tricky. Dialing back the duties could draw criticism from Republicans that Harris will take a softer stand on China trade in a campaign where Trump has vowed to hit Chinese imports with heftytariffs. Proceeding with the original hikes would draw complaints about higher costs, even from some Democrats in Congress.

China has vowed retaliation against the "bullying" tariff hikes and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said they showed that some in the U.S. may be "losing their minds."

The U.S. decision will come in the same week that U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan will meet with Wang in a visit aimed at keeping U.S.-China tensions in check with the November U.S. election fast approaching.


The Biden-Harris tariffs include a new 25% levy on Chinese-made ship-to-shore cranes, a China-dominated sector with no U.S. producers. The Port of New York and New Jersey said it has eight cranes on order from China's state-owned ZPMC at $18 million apiece, and a 25% tariff would boost the cost of each by $4.5 million, "causing a significant strain on the Port's critical and limited resources."

Democratic senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner from Virginia and Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff from Georgia also raised concerns about the impact on ports in their states, calling for existing orders for Chinese cranes to be exempted.

Warnock and Ossoff also urged USTR to reconsider the planned 50% tariff on syringes, saying they could disrupt supplies for those used to feed newborn infants.

Ford Motor F.N asked USTR to reduce proposed tariffs on artificial graphite, a key material used in the production of anodes for electric vehicle batteries. Ford said it still "almost exclusively" uses Chinese secondary-particle graphite,

Autos Drive America, a group representing foreign-brand automakers, called for tariff rates on batteries, modules, cells, and critical minerals to be kept stable through at least 2027 to allow automakers to "fulfill investments in U.S. production and to bolster consumer adoption" of EVs.


There were some companies that urged more extensive Section 301 tariffs, including for Chinese made steel, which Biden proposed to increase to 25% from 7.5%.

Finnish stainless steelmaker Outokumpu OUT1V.HE, which operates a mill in Alabama, said it supported the increase and wants it extended to all steel products melted and poured in China and processed in other countries, such as Vietnam, to curb tariff circumvention.

The steelmaker also said the higher tariffs should extend to other stainless steel categories, such cutlery and refrigeration and brewery equipment.

Reporting by David Lawder, with additional reporting by David Shepardson; Editing by Lincoln Feast.


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