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Ukraine's Naftogaz plans to increase gas, oil output in 2024

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By Olena Harmash

July 22 (Reuters) -Ukraine's largest state energy company Naftogaz is planning to increase its gas and oil production this year despite a constant threat of Russian bombardments, its CEO said on Monday.

CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov said that Naftogaz plans to produce 15 billion cubic metres of natural gas and 2 million tonnes of oil in 2024. In 2023, the company's gas production totalled 14 bcm of gas.

Chernyshov said that Naftogaz's assets, which include gas storage, oil and gas production facilities and distribution networks, and other infrastructure were under constant threat of Russian bombardments as the war nears its 29th month mark.

"We have survived several series of attacks and these attacks are still ongoing," Chernyshov told investors during a webinar organised by Dragon Capital investment house.

"Air defence is being constantly developed in Ukraine although it is still not enough. But it is much better than it was last year," he said, adding that the company invested regularly to protect its assets.

Chernyshov said the company was "definitely concerned" about the attacks as Russia had started attacking underground gas storage in the west of the country this year. Naftogaz survived at least seven attacks since March, he said.

Over the past several months the Russian forces intensified their missile and drone attacks on the Ukrainian power system and other energy infrastructure, knocking out about half of the available generation capacity and resulting in long blackouts across the country.

Naftogaz posted profit of more than 23.123 billion hryvnias ($558 million) in 2023 after almost 80 billion hryvnias in losses in 2022, Chernyshov said.

The company made the required payments on its restructured Eurobonds last week, Chernyshov said.

He expressed confidence that Naftogaz would be able to meet its debt payments next year but was considering to start restructuring talks on debt payments due in 2026.

The slides shown by Chernyshov during the webinar showed that Naftogaz has to pay about $277 million in 2025 and around 855 million in 2026.

He gave no details on the planned restructuring, saying the company might offer more details early next year.

Chernyshov reiterated that Ukraine had no plans to extend a gas transit deal with Russia's Gazprom after it expires in December this year. The company was considering alternative options, including transporting gas from Azerbaijan, he said, adding the talks were still in the early stage.

Reporting by Olena Harmash; Editing by David Evans


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