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Ukraine's Kyivstar to ramp up investments in energy resilience, CEO says

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By Gianluca Lo Nostro and Stephanie Hamel

Sept 5 (Reuters) -Ukraine's leading mobile operator Kyvistar will ramp up investments to improve its energy resilience amid Russia's escalated assault on the country's power grids, CEO Oleksandr Komarov told Reuters on Thursday.

Ukraine has been grappling with a major energy deficit since Moscow renewed its assault on power grids and transmission lines last spring, causing daily blackouts of up to 12 hours in major cities including the capital Kyiv.

The country's telecoms regulator said in July that mobile operators must be able to cover outages of up to 10 hours at their stations from February, rather than the four required now.

"We will invest billions of extra hryvnias into the energy resilience," Komarov said.

Kyivstar's parent company VEON VON.AS in June raised its digital infrastructure investment target in Ukraine to $1 billion by 2027.

Komarov said the work was in progress, but flagged large operational obstacles such as battery availability, logistics, and limited recharging power between blackouts.

"We are moving towards ... six hours of backup across at least all key sites and four hours for the whole network," he said, adding that 60% of Kyivstar's network currently had a four-hour backup, while 40% of it could last 2-4 hours.

Asked about the freezing of Kyivstar's corporate rights by Ukrainian authorities, the CEO said the appeal process was underway, with the next court hearing expected on Sept. 13.

"I'm confident that this issue will and should be resolved," Komarov said, adding the decision had not affected Kyivstar's operations.

Last October, a Kyiv court froze 47.85% of Kyivstar's corporate rights due to the previous involvement of sanctioned Russian individuals in VEON.

Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman, who has been under EU sanctions since 2022 despite being recently cleared by the bloc's top court, quit VEON board two years ago as the EU moved to sanction him.

"There is no grounds for nationalisation (of Kyivstar), as VEON is not under any sanctions. I do understand there are some concerns addressed to personalities, but it should be resolved on this level," Komarov said.

Reporting by Gianluca Lo Nostro and Stéphanie Hamel in Gdansk; editing by Milla Nissi


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