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UK insurer Beazley lifts outlook after profit nearly doubles

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><title>UPDATE 2-UK insurer Beazley lifts outlook after profit nearly doubles</title></head><body>

Expects undiscounted combined ratio around 80%

Shares jump 10%

H1 benefited from fewer catastrophe losses - CEO

Crowdstrike outage to impact demand for cyber insurance - CEO

Adds CEO quotes in paragraph 3, 5, 6 and 10, analysts in paragraph 4

By Yadarisa Shabong

Aug 8 (Reuters) -British insurer Beazley BEZG.L upgraded its combined ratio forecast for 2024 on Thursday after first-half pretax profit nearly doubled, boosted by growth in its property risks premiums and fewer catastrophe losses, sending its shares up 10%.

The insurer, which commands about 8% of the global cyber insurance market according to analysts, had soothed investor concerns last month by saying its annual forecasts were unaffected by the CrowdStrike outage.

"Attritional losses were better and there were fewer catastrophe losses than we had budgeted for in the first half of the year," CEO Adrian Cox told Reuters.

JPMorgan analysts said Beazley's updated forecast assumes that both catastrophe losses and attritional claims revert back to 'normal' levels in second half, which suggests that the guidance is being set conservatively.

Shares were up 10% in early trade, making it the top gainer on the London bluechip index .FTSE.

Cox told Reuters he expects the massive IT outage last month to have an impact on demand for cyber insurance particularly outside the United States, where the market is still smaller and the penetration of cyber insurance is lower.

"I think in terms of insurer behaviour there's long been discussion about systemic risk, this is the latest in a number of such sort of single points of failure issues that have happened this year," Cox said.

"I think that needs to be absorbed by the cyber market and I think it could have an impact on pricing," he said, adding that the market got more competitive in the first half and he expects prices to "flatten out a little bit".

Profit before tax was $728.9 million in the six months to June 30, compared with $366.4 million a year ago, Beazley said.

Beazley, which offers insurance for cyber liability, property, marine, reinsurance, accident and life, and political risks, said the undiscounted combined ratio is expected to be around 80%, from a previous forecast of low 80s.

A combined ratio - measuring an insurer's profitability - of above 100 indicates an underwriting loss. A lower figure indicates better profitability.

Reporting by Yadarisa Shabong in Bengaluru; Editing by Savio D'Souza and Janane Venkatraman; editing by Philippa Fletcher


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