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Turkey - Factors To Watch on July 26

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ANKARA, July 26 (Reuters) -Here are news, reports and events that may affect Turkish financial markets on Friday.

The lira TRYTOM=D3 was quoted at 33.1 against the U.S. dollar at 0425 GMT, after closing at 33.06 on Thursday.

The main BIST 100 share index .XU100 closed 1.09% lower at 10,871.48 points on Thursday.


The yen stabilized near a 12-week high against the dollar on Friday while Asia-Pacific equity markets remained on the back foot a day after their worst session since mid-April.


Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan will participate in a gathering of ASEAN foreign ministers in Laos' capital Vientiane, where he will also attend a meeting of the Turkey-ASEAN Sectoral Dialogue Partnership. Fidan will also hold bilateral talks with his counterparts on the sidelines of the event.


Parliament's general assembly will continue debating a bill amending tax laws. (1100 GMT)


Ozgur Ozel, head of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP), will visit the northwestern province of Bursa, where he will visit a series of districts and his party's provincial headquarters.


Russian President Vladimir Putin met Bashar al-Assad in the Kremlin as Moscow nudges the Syrian leader towards a meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and Damascus seeks the Kremlin's help in restraining Israel.


Iran has released the oil cargo of a Greek-owned, Marshall-Islands-flagged tanker it seized in the Gulf of Oman earlier this year, a shipping source told Reuters on Thursday.


Iraq said on Thursday it had selected France's Systra and SNCF, Spain's Alstom, Talgo and SENER, and a number of Turkish construction firms, alongside Germany's Deutsche Bank to design, execute and operate the country's first metro system.

For other related news, double-click on:

Turkish politics TR-POL

Turkish equities TR-E

Turkish money TR-M

Turkish debt TR-D

Turkish hot stocks TR-HOT

Forex news FRX

All emerging market news EMRG

All Turkish news TR

For real-time quotes, double click on:

Istanbul National-100 stock index .XU100, interbank lira trading IYIX=, lira bond trading 0#TRTSYSUM=IS

(Compiled by Tuvan Gumrukcu)


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