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Taiwan deputy foreign minister to attend Pacific Islands Forum

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Corrects spelling and capitalisation of Islands Forum in headline

TAIPEI, Aug 25 (Reuters) -A deputy Taiwan foreign minister will attend this week's meeting of Pacific Islands leaders in Tonga, Taiwan's foreign ministry said on Sunday, as China and the United States jostle for influence in the region.

The Pacific is also an area of competition between Taipei and Beijing, as China whittles away at the number of countries which maintain formal diplomatic relations with Chinese-claimed Taiwan. Three countries - Palau, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands - have stuck with Taiwan.

Taiwan's foreign ministry said Deputy Foreign Minister Tien Chung-kwang would hold a summit with its three Pacific allies to strengthen its partnership with them and other "like-minded countries", a reference to Western democracies such as the United States and Australia.

In January, shortly after Lai Ching-te won election as Taiwan's new president, Nauru switched ties from Taipei to Beijing, in what Taiwan's government said was part of a sustained Chinese pressure campaign.

In 2018, Nauru, then still a ally of Taiwan's, blasted an "insolent" China for speaking out of turn at the Pacific Islands Forum. Nauru had recognised China before, between 2002 and 2005.

Taiwan has taken part in the forum since 1993 as a development partner under the name o f "Taiwan/Republic of China". The Republic of China is Taiwan's formal name.

China says democratically governed Taiwan is one of its provinces with no right to state-to-state ties, a position hotly disputed by the government in Taipei.

Climate change and security are expected to dominate discussions at this week's meeting of the 18 Pacific Islands leaders. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell will also be going.

Taiwan and Tonga had diplomatic ties from 1972 until 1998 when the country switched recognition to Beijing and broke off relations with Taipei.

Only 12 countries now maintain official diplomatic ties with Taiwan.

Reporting by Ben Blanchard in Taipei; Editing by Lincoln Feast.


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