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Sweden's second-quarter flash GDP shrinks more than expected

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Adds analyst comment in paragraphs 5-7

By Johan Ahlander

STOCKHOLM, July 29 (Reuters) -Sweden's economy contracted more than expected in the second quarter, preliminary figures from the national statistics office showed on Monday, but there were signs that sluggish economic activity had started to pick up.

Flash gross domestic product fell 0.8% in the second quarter compared to the previous three-month period, but was unchanged year-on-year. The data is likely to be revised when final figures are published in August.

In June, GDP expanded 0.9%, the SCB statistics office said.

"The Swedish economy grew in June, but the development for the quarter as a whole was weighed down by weak figures for April," an SCB statement said.

Analysts had forecast the economy would contract 0.4% from the previous quarter.

Handelsbanken said in a research note there were signs the economy was turning a corner back towards growth.

"The outlook for the Swedish economy is beginning to brighten. Lower inflation is paving the way for a clear shift in economic policy with both lower interest rates and more stimulus from the government," it said.

Sweden's economy slowed sharply last year as a result of a series of interest rate hikes by the central bank aimed at reining in surging inflation, which peaked at more than 10% at the end of 2022.

However, inflation fell below the central bank's 2% target for the first time in three years in June. The Riksbank cut its main policy rate to 3.75% in May and has said it could lower rates two or three more times this year.

Reporting by Johan Ahlander;
Editing by Louise Rasmussen and Helen Popper


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