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Spain hikes nuclear waste levy by 30%

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MADRID, June 25 (Reuters) -The Spanish government said on Tuesday it would raise the levy nuclear power plant operators pay to fund the dismantling of plants and nuclear waste management by roughly 30% due to rising storage and disposal costs foreseen in its latest estimates.

Madrid's plan to shut the country's reactors by 2035 has faced opposition from industry andbusiness lobbies.

It was also a hot issue during last year's electoral campaign, with the conservative opposition People's Party (PP) pledging to reverse the planned phase-out.

The first plant is expected to cease operating in 2027.

Starting on July 1, the companies will have to pay 10.36 euros ($11.10) per megawatt hour, up from the 7.98 euros they pay currently.

Lobby group Foro Nuclear, which has filed administrative appeals against the government's nuclear waste plans, said that the current levy amounts to some 450 million euros a year for Spanish nuclear plants.

The government estimates that dismantling the plants and managing radioactive waste will cost about 20.2 billion euros, to be paid for by a fund supported by the plants' operators.

Spain's nuclear plants generate about a fifth of the country's electricity. Iberdrola IBE.MC and Endesa ELE.MC are the main operators, but Naturgy NTGY.MC and EDP EDP.LS have minor stakes in some plants.

($1 = 0.9336 euros)

Reporting by Pietro Lombardi;
Editing by Alison Williams, Charlie Devereux and Anil D'Silva


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