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Soybeans ease on forecast of improved South American weather

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SINGAPORE, Sept 25 (Reuters) -Chicago soybean futures slid for the first time in three sessions on Wednesday, as an outlook for much-needed rains in Brazil eased worries about dry weather delaying planting in the world's biggest exporter of the oilseed.

Wheat and corn prices fell.


* The most-active soybean contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Sv1 lost 0.3% to $10.38-3/4 a bushel as of 0013 GMT, having risen on Tuesday to $10.58, its highest level since July 25.

* Wheat Wv1 lost 0.4% to $5.76 a bushel and corn Cv1 gave up 0.4% to $4.10 a bushel.

* The soybean market rallied on Tuesday after the central bank of China, the world's top soybean buyer, announced broad monetary stimulus and property market support measures to revive its economy.

* However, prices are coming under pressure as forecast models predict much-needed rains in Brazil next week that could bolster soybean planting and crop prospects.

* The U.S. corn and soybean harvest is progressing although rains crossed the central Midwest on Tuesday, interrupting fieldwork in some areas.

* In a weekly report released after Monday's market close, the USDA pegged the soybean harvest as 13% complete and the corn harvest as 14% done, both ahead of their respective five-year averages.

* In Argentina, grains and oilseed output could reach up to 143 million metric tons in the 2024/25 season under normal weather conditions, which could boost exports to their highest volume in four years, the Rosario grains exchange said on Tuesday.

* Agricultural markets are awaiting quarterly U.S. grain stocks report on Monday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

* The average estimate for Sept. 1 corn stocks, at 1.844 billion bushels, would represent a four-year high, up 35.6% from a year earlier. For soybeans, the average estimate of 351 million bushels would also be a four-year high, up 32.9% from the prior year.

* Workers at the six main grain terminals located in the Canadian port of Vancouver went on strike on Tuesday, a move that could disrupt exports of canola and other crops, government and industry officials said.

* Commodity funds were net buyers of CBOT soybean and soyoil futures contracts on Tuesday and net sellers of corn, wheat and soymeal futures, traders said. COMFUND/CBT


* A widely followed global stock index rose to a record high and copper prices hit their strongest level in 10 weeks on Tuesday after China unveiled stimulus measures to support its economy. MKTS/GLOB


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Reporting by Naveen Thukral; Editing by Rashmi Aich


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