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Soccer-Juventus and Motta thinking only of Empoli and not Europe

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Sept 13 (Reuters) -Juventus begin their Champions League campaign next week followed by a Serie A clash with Napoli, but the focus is fully on this weekend's game at Empoli, manager Thiago Motta said on Friday.

Motta has made a strong start at Juventus, unbeaten in the league and level at the top with defending champions Inter Milan, and soon his side will be tested in Europe, but for now Saturday's away trip is the only thing on his mind.

"The other two games of the week we have time to think and prepare. The focus is tomorrow. Then we will think about the other games," Motta told a press conference.

"We only have to think about the game against Empoli. Tomorrow will be a complicated match like all the games you face in Serie A. Against a team that is doing well that knows what they want to do on the pitch."

Empoli are also unbeaten after three league games, only two points off Juventus in seventh place and Motta won't be taking the Tuscan side lightly or thinking about Tuesday's game with PSV Eindhoven, or the visit of Napoli next weekend.

"We face an Empoli team that is doing well right now, they have played three really good games, but we are also in good shape," Motta said.

"We knew the calendar and the games to be faced. Tomorrow we have to be determined and focused and play a serious game.

"Then from game to game we will face everything as always, with maximum commitment and focused on doing our job well."

Motta began the season with a limited squad, still waiting on the club to bring in players, but the manager now has plenty of options, and Douglas Luiz and Teun Koopmeiners could both make their first start.

"They are two great players that I am lucky enough to have on our side, like many others in our squad. Let's see tomorrow who will start the game," Motta said.

"I'm happy because we have everyone available."

Reporting by Trevor Stynes
Editing by Christian Radnedge


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