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Soccer-Barca's 4-1 triumph over Bayern boosts confidence ahead of clasico, says Flick

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By Fernando Kallas

BARCELONA, Oct 24 (Reuters) -Barcelona manager Hansi Flick said their commanding 4-1 Champions League win over Bayern Munich on Wednesday was a massive confidence boost ahead of a highly anticipated LaLiga Clasico at bitter rivals Real Madrid on Saturday.

Former Bayern boss Flick said he was delighted to have helped Barca end a near decade-long winless run against the German side in their biggest test of the season so far and that his team was ready to travel to the Spanish capital and face Real.

"It's unbelievable this win. Bayern are a wonderful team, with fantastic players who know how to play very well, you want to see them play. And of course, if you win this kind of game you have to celebrate. This win gives us the confidence to believe in our quality for the game coming up on Saturday," Flick told reporters.

"With the level our team has been showing you can achieve great things. We played with a lot of courage and that's why I'm very happy. The team wants to learn and we will learn from the things we didn't do as well.

"We have one day less than Real Madrid to prepare for the Clasico but all the players want to play this game. We will prepare well and be ready."

After six consecutive losses in which they were outscored 22 goals to four by Bayern, including a humiliating 8-2 defeat in the Champions League quarter-finals four years ago, Barcelona got their revenge with a great attacking performance.

Their rip-roaring display was led by their Brazilian captain Raphinha, who scored a hat-trick.

Flick praised his forward not only for another outstanding performance but also for his leadership.

"(Raphinha) is a good example of how a player can impact how a team can function," Flick said.

"He always has a good attitude in training and in matches. He's very important for us, also because of the counter-attacking pressure he puts on. And also because of the way he prepares to score. He has a good dynamic on the ball and he played an extraordinary game.

"His offensive and defensive dynamics, and his good technique, is something special. I've never had a player like him and he helps us a lot."

Reporting by Fernando Kallas
Editing by Toby Davis


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