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SOCAR's STAR oil refinery set for maintenance, sources say

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MOSCOW, Aug 28 (Reuters) -Azerbaijan SOCAR's STAR oil refinery in Turkey will halt operations in early September for up to two months of maintenance, four sources familiar with its operations told Reuters on Wednesday.

The refinery, with a capacity of more than 200,000 barrels per day, will undergo its first major maintenance since its commissioning in 2018, the sources said.

SOCAR will begin the maintenance on Sept. 5, according to two of the sources. The works will continue for about two months, three of the sources said. One of the sources said the refinery will shut for 45 days.

SOCAR's press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

STAR refinery is a major buyer of Russian Urals oil and buys it both in the spot market and under term contracts.

For several months this year Urals oil arrivals to STAR's Nemrut Bay terminal were close to its capacity of 200,000 bpd, according to LSEG data.

Russia's Lukoil is a major supplier to the refinery under a deal signed last year.

STAR's maintenance may affect the Urals oil market, traders said, though the refinery can still purchase some amount of oil to store during maintenance.

Prices for September Urals oil firmed to $67-$68 per barrel on a free-on-board basis in Russian Baltic and Black Sea ports on Tuesday, according to Reuters calculations based on traders’ data.

Reporting by Reuters in MOSCOW, Nailia Bagirova in BAKU and Robert Harvey in LONDON; editing by Jason Neely


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