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Smurfit Westrock CFO: Consumer demand coming 'along nicely'

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Amends styling of company name to Smurfit Westrock from Smurfit WestRock in headline, paragraphs 1 and 7

By Padraic Halpin

DUBLIN, July 8 (Reuters) -The finance chief of newly formed Smurfit Westrock SW.N, the world's largest cardboard box maker, said consumer demand is coming "along nicely", with growth in the second quarter matching rates seen in the first.

Prior to the completion of their merger, Smurfit Kappa had reported 3% volume growth in Europe in the first quarter and U.S.-based WestRock a rebound in demand.

The combined company, which starts trading on the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, will have about $34 billion of annual revenue.

"There's no massive ramp up in anything, but it's tipping along nicely in that sense," Chief Financial Officer Ken Bowles told Reuters in a telephone interview.

"The world has not got itself back to an incredibly happy place, but what we would have seen as we moved through the second quarter was very similar to the first quarter."

Packaging companies rode a boom in goods sales and e-commerce during COVID-19 lockdowns, but a fall in demand when economies reopened and consumers spent more on travel and other services led to a fallback in profits last year.

The Smurfit Westrock deal was announced last September. Bowles said the demand rebound and resumption of box price increases since meant the companies had been correct in predicting they were coming together near the low point of the business cycle.

"The conditions have fundamentally changed for the positive since we announced the deal," said Bowles, the CFO of Smurfit Kappa before the deal who, like the Dublin-based group's CEO and chair, has kept his role in the new company.

He also disputed one of the concerns raised by 0.8% share holder Primestone Capital last December that WestRock's asset base was of significantly lower quality than those of Smurfit and other competitors, saying this was not the case.

He said the focus for the next six months would be on integrating the two businesses, and that management was not considering asset sales.

"That's not on our minds at all," he said. "In fact, we're looking at how we can integrate and drive value from all the bits that have come together here."

Reporting by Padraic Halpin; Editing by Louise Heavens and Jan Harvey


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