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Siemens Energy resumes sales of its troubled 4.X onshore wind turbine

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By Christoph Steitz

FRANKFURT, Sept 5 (Reuters) -Siemens Energy ENR1n.DE said it has resumed sales of its 4.X wind turbine, which has been at the heart of its biggest corporate crisis, in a sign that the German energy group is fully returning to the onshore market.

Responding to a Reuters query, a spokesperson for Siemens Energy said sales of the troubled turbines have resumed but would be limited to selected markets, without giving more details.

People familiar with the matter said Siemens Energy is accepting non-binding and binding offers for the platform, adding that initial sales would be mainly in Southern Europe.

Sales of the turbine model were expected to resume by the end of September, Siemens Energy has said previously.

The 4.X, along with the more recent 5.X model, were at the centre of a quality crisis last year which caused the group's stock to plunge and forced it to set aside 1.6 billion euros ($1.8 billion) to fix the problems.

As a result, sales of the models were halted.

Siemens Energy's wind business Siemens Gamesa had completed a root cause analysis of the quality issues, the sources said, adding that selected customers had already been informed of the sales resumption.

Sales of the 5.X turbine model are expected to resume in 2025, Siemens Energy said, confirming an earlier timeline.

($1 = 0.9025 euros)

Reporting by Christoph Steitz; Editing by Alexander Smith


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