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Sabadell CEO plays down 'white knight' prospect to stop BBVA bid

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Fixes spelling of Gonzalez-Bueno in paragraph 4

By Jesús Aguado and Andres Gonzalez

MADRID, July 26 (Reuters) -Banco Sabadell SABE.MC is unlikely to get a competing takeover offer to scupper a hostile bid from rival BBVA BBVA.MC because other banks would also face competition concerns, Sabadell's CEO Cesar Gonzalez-Bueno said.

Sabadell is trying to fend off BBVA's hostile approach, and one tactic target companies can use to defend themselves is to find an alternative buyer, a so-called 'white knight', to make an offer on friendlier terms.

Gonzalez-Bueno told journalists that he does not foresee other Spanish banks like Caixabank CABK.MC or Banco Santander SAN.MC making a bid, as they would be likely to face similar antitrust issues as BBVA. A lack of potential synergies would deter international players from submitting an offer, he said.

"I think it is very unlikely (...) Typically, bank mergers pursue synergies, cost synergies because there is not a level playing field, a stable regulatory framework," Gonzalez-Buenosaid.

BBVA shocked Spain when it turned hostile in May in its pursuit of Spain's fourth-largest bank after Sabadell's board rejected its initial offer, saying it undervalued the lender.

The bank is offering one newly issued share for 4.83 Sabadell shares, a premium of 30% over the target's closing price on April 29. At current prices, BBVA's offer values Sabadell at around 11.2 billion euros ($12.14 billion).

Investment bankers and analysts have been speculating that BBVA could add a cash component to woo Sabadell shareholders - of which half are retail investors. Shareholders will not get the chance to vote on the deal for months given the complex and lengthy process of hostile bids in Spain.

BBVA Chairman Carlos Torres told Reuters last month that the bank had "no need" to improve its bid for Sabadell, as he vowed to push ahead despite political opposition and regulatory uncertainty.

Gonzalez-Bueno said the Sabadell board would have to issue a recommendation within the first 10 days of the bid's acceptance period, which he expected in late 2024 or early 2025.

He refused to enter into speculation about whether the board would issue a favourable opinion if BBVA improves its offer.

The Sabadell CEO also said he wanted clarification from BBVA about its claimed cost savings the deal would deliver. In its proposal, BBVA estimated annual cost savings at about 850 million euros before tax, spread over three years.

BBVA's chairman Torres has defended its cost savings estimate as conservative.

($1 = 0.9223 euros)

Editing by Tommy Reggiori Wilkes. Editing by Jane Merriman


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