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Russia raises wheat export duty by 41% as exporters are called for official meeting

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Adds quote in paragraph 5, background

MOSCOW, Oct 11 (Reuters) -Russia announced an increase in its wheat export duty by 41% on Friday as the agriculture ministry called the country's top exporters for a closed door meeting on this year's exports.

The duty will rise to 1,872 roubles per ton from 1,328.3 roubles previously, the agriculture ministry said. The change in duty will take effect on Oct. 16.

The raised export duties could be one way to curb the exports which, according to the influential grain exporters' union, "exceeded reasonable parameters based on the export potential" in the first quarter of the 2024-2025 season.

The union accused unspecified exporters of exporting excessive volumes at low prices and said it will ask the agriculture ministry to review the quota distribution mechanism for the second half of the season.

Traders said the duty increase could have been bigger.

"It's not very bullish in the end if that's all they're announcing. It's like $5-$6 a ton. People were pricing bigger risks so the market might come off," a European trader said.

Russia, the world's top wheat exporter, slightly revised its official estimate for this year's harvest to 130 million tons from 132 million tons previously despite bad weather hitting many grain-producing regions this year.

The country's agriculture minister Oksana Lut said on Oct. 10 that this year's harvest was enough to meet the needs of the domestic market.

Reporting by Gleb Bryanski and Olga Popova in Moscow, additional reporting by Gus Trompiz,
Editing by Andrew Osborn and David Evans


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