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Prompt prices rise on higher demand, less green power

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FRANKFURT, Aug 28 (Reuters) -Lower renewable power supply across north-western Europe and rising demand boosted electricity wholesale prices on Wednesday.

German baseload power for Thursday TRDEBD1 was up 14.1% at 109 euros ($121.61) per megawatt hour (MWh) by 0730 GMT, while the French day-ahead equivalent was up 9.8% at 95 euros/MWh.

LSEG analyst Francisco Gaspar Machado noted an "increase in residual load in Germany due to lower wind output, higher consumption and lower solar output".

Hot late summer weather has brought higher cooling demand.

LSEG forecasts showed average 24-hour temperatures of around 23-24 degrees Celsius, above seasonal norms.

Power consumption in Germany was set to rise to 55.2 gigawatts (GW) on Thursday from 54.6 GW while usage in France was expected to gain 700 MW to reach 44.7 GW, LSEG data showed.

Wind power output should fall by 2.9 GW in Germany to 7.8 GW on Thursday, with solar generation falling by 700 MW to 14.1 GW.

French nuclear availability remained unchanged at 72% of capacity. POWER/FR

Along the curve, German year-ahead power TRDEBYZ5 was untraded after closing at 97.7 euros/MWh.

The contract's French equivalent TRFRBYZ5 was also untraded after closing at 84.3 euros/MWh, with bids at 84 euros.

European CO2 allowances for December 2024 expiry CFI2Zc1 added 0.7% to 71.96 euros per metric ton.

The Oslo-based Nord Pool exchange on Tuesday said it will launch Nordic and Baltic power derivatives from next March.

German rival the European Energy Exchange (EEX) and its subsidiary, EPEX SPOT, will extend their Future-to-Spot service to the 12 Nordic power market areas from October onwards, they said separately.

The biggest bourse for Nordic financial trading currently is Nasdaq.

($1 = 0.8963 euros)

Reporting by Vera Eckert, editing by Jason Neely


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