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Power grids’ low-wattage resources may spark M&A

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own.

By Yawen Chen

LONDON, Aug 13 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Europe’s ageing power grids are flipping the switch on their spending. The needs of electric cars, artificial intelligence and renewable energy demand higher investments. Many will struggle to raise funds, forcing them to sell assets. That might spark a wave of M&A.

The Old Continent’s electricity demand has been falling for decades but may be about to pick up again. Goldman Sachs analysts estimate electricity consumption in the European Union and the UK combined will grow at an average of 3.6% a year until 2033. That, in turn, means the region’s power operators will need some 800 billion euros ($874 billion) to upgrade their infrastructure over that period.

Utilities are already responding. John Pettigrew, CEO of the UK’s National Grid NG.L, plans to invest 60 billion pounds ($76 billion) by 2029, nearly double the level of the past five years. Peers such as Britain’s SSE SSE.L, Germany’s E.ON EONGn.DE and Belgium’s Elia ELI.BR have all pencilled in higher investments this year.

But that will strain already-stretched balance sheets. National Grid has 43 billion pounds of net debt, nearly 6 times its estimated EBITDA for the fiscal year ending March 2025 per LSEG forecasts. Elia, which plans to invest 30 billion euros in Germany and Belgium through 2028, has a similar level of indebtedness.

If raising more debt looks challenging, selling equity won’t be easy either. When National Grid launched a 7 billion pound rights issue in May, it priced the shares at a 35% discount, and its market value plummeted by nearly a fifth.

Shareholders may prefer asset sales, just as National Grid did when it sold its gas transmission networks to Macquarie, or tapping deep-pocketed private equity infrastructure funds for renewable grids joint ventures.

RWE RWEG.DE, for example, is exploring options for its 25% stake in Amprion, one of Germany’s main power transmission networks operators. The Netherlands is also trying to offload the German arm of state-owned electric grid operator TenneT after the Berlin government failed to buy it in June.

The industry’s latest big deal suggests sellers can fetch a decent premium. This month, Spain’s Iberdrola IBE.MC bought 88% of the UK’s Electricity North West, valuing the grid operator at 4.2 billion pounds including net debt. The price implies a 53% premium on ENW’s current regulated assets, per Bernstein analysts – slightly lower than what National Grid paid for Western Power Distribution in 2021. It could be a good benchmark for more M&A to follow.

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Britain’s energy regulator Ofgem on Aug. 13 approved the 3.4 billion pound ($4.35 billion) 2-gigawatt electricity “Superhighway” from Scotland to Yorkshire.

The approval for the biggest single investment for the electricity transmission infrastructure in Britain comes as part of the regulator’s scheme to get new offshore wind energy to the market and deliver it quickly.

Iberdrola said on Aug. 2 it would buy 88% of British power network Electricity North West in a deal valuing the company at 4.2 billion pounds.

Graphic: Europe has the oldest power grids in the world https://reut.rs/4eyapgO

Editing by Francesco Guerrera and Oliver Taslic


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