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Outokumpu beats Q2 core profit estimates, warns 'difficult' Europe environment

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Rewrites with Europe outlook, add details on unit performance and outlook, context on rivals

By Jagoda Darlak

Aug 8 (Reuters) -Finland's Outokumpu OUT1V.HE on Thursday reported second-quarter core profit above expectations, citing normalized operations after a strike earlier this year, but warned that the operating environment in Europe remains difficult.

"Despite the continued recovery, the operating environment in Europe remains quite difficult," CEO Heikki Malinen said in a statement.

The European economy is grappling with structural challenges resulting from the war in Ukraine, funding of the green transition, and growing de-globalization, Malien said.

Weak European steel markets and low prices have been weighing on steelmakers' profits, which had hit record levels in 2021 and 2022.

The stainless steel maker's core profit, or adjusted EBITDA, fell 70% to 56 million euros ($61.2 million) for the April-June period, but still beat analysts' forecast of 52.5 million euros in a company-provided poll.

This included a hit of approximately 30 million euros, which it had previously forecast, after workers in Finland went on strike in March, targeting exports, imports and cargo transportation.

In its European business, which serves the group's key market, adjusted EBITDA reached 28 million euros in the second quarter, above 14.4 million euros expected by analysts.

The group said improved profitability reflects a gradual market recovery from the low point it saw in the third quarter of 2023.

Meanwhile, market environment in the Americas softened in the second quarter and is expected to remain soft in the third, it said.

"Still, our long-term view on the U.S. market remains highly positive," Malinen added in a statement.

Outokumpu's stainless steel deliveries rose by 5% from the previous quarter, and are expected to remain stable in the third quarter, while adjusted EBITDA is forecast to be at a similar or higher level in the same period.

Regional rivals SSAB SSABa.ST and Acerinox ACX.MC last month warned about poor conditions across the European steel markets in the third quarter.

Outokumpu's shares were up 2.0% at 0819 GMT.

($1 = 0.9145 euros)

Reporting by Jagoda Darlak; Editing by Varun H K


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