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Moscow takes control over assets of Western companies

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Adds Raiffeisen and Linde, updates Commerzbank

Sept 6 (Reuters) -Kremlin has been seizing assets of some Western companies in Russia through decrees signed by President Vladimir Putin and court orders related to lawsuits over halted projects or blocked funds amid Western sanctions.

Below is a list of the companies affected so far.


Russia seized companies of agricultural group AgroTerra and placed them under temporary management in April, including some backed by Dutch investment firms.


Putin signed a decree transferring Amedia's former assets to state management in September 2023, after the Norwegian publisher left control of its Russian printing houses to Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov in April 2022.


The Russian state took control of Danish beer company Carlsberg's stake in local brewer Baltika Breweries in July 2023, putting it under temporary management of the government property agency.


A Russian court ordered in June that Commerzbank assets worth 94.9 million euros ($105.4 million) be awarded in damages to a pipeline firm in northwest Russia.

Almost all of the assets involved had already been seized by court order.


The Russian state took control of the French yoghurt maker's Russian subsidiary in July 2023 and brought it under temporary control of the government property agency.

Putin removed it from temporary management in March, ahead of a disposal of its Essential Dairy and Plant-based business in Russia later that month.


A Russian court in May seized up to 238.6 million euros ($259.4 million) in securities, real estate and bank accounts of Deutsche Bank, along with its Russian subsidiary and Deutsche Bank Technology Center.


In April 2023, Putin signed a decree that established control over Fortum's Russian unit that operates power plants in the country.


Putin signed a decree in December 2023 to put St Petersburg's Pulkovo Airport under the temporary management of a Russian holding company, taking control from German airport group Fraport, Qatar's sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority and investors from other Gulf states.


JPMorgan Chase said on May 2 that its assets in Russia may be seized after lawsuits in Russian and U.S. courts. It said the value of claims and orders to freeze assets exceeded its available assets in Russia.

A Russian court ordered in April the seizure of funds in JPMorgan accounts after state-owned bank VTB VTBR.MM sued to regain its funds blocked abroad, while JPMorgan sued VTB in a bid to block the effort.


A Russian court ordered on Aug. 14 that assets of Linde's British unit worth some $1.15 billion be frozen in a dispute over a gas processing plant.


Under decrees from December 2023, Austrian oil and gas company OMV's stakes in the Yuzhno-Russkoye field and in the gas extraction Achimov projects are to revert to newly created Russian companies and offered for sale to Gazovyye Tekhnologii. OMV's assets will then be sold to joint stock company SOGAZ.


A Russian court froze the shares in Raiffeisen's local arm, blocking the sale of the Russian unit, the Austrian bank said on Sept. 5.


On Feb. 21, a Russian court ordered that ownership of shares in Rolf, a car dealership owned by a Cyprus-based firm, be handed over to the Russian state, Russian news agencies reported, after it was placed under temporary state management in December.


St Petersburg arbitration court ordered in May that UniCredit's assets, accounts and property, and shares in two subsidiaries be seized as part of a lawsuit over an aborted gas project involving the Italian bank.

UniCredit said the seizure affected only a fraction of its Russian unit's assets, not the entire subsidiary.


The Kremlin on April 2023 took action against Unipro, the Russian division of German utility Uniper that has five power plants in Russia, introducing external management and a new CEO.


Under decrees from December 2023, Wintershall Dea's stakes in the Yuzhno-Russkoye field and in the Achimov projects are to revert to newly created Russian companies and offered for sale to Gazovyye Tekhnologii, formalising the loss of control that BASF BASFn.DE and Wintershall Dea had flagged since January 2023.

Wintershall Dea is a joint venture between BASF and Russian billionaire Mikhail Fridman's investment firm LetterOne.

($1 = 0.9001 euros)

Compiled by Agata Rybska, Greta Rosen Fondahn and Tomasz Kanik; Editing by Christina Fincher and Milla Nissi


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