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Malaysia reports new mpox case of less severe variant

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KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Malaysia's health ministry reported on Tuesday onenew case of the mpox virus infection of the clade 2 variety, a less severe variant of the disease, and said the patient had been isolated and was in a stable condition.

The case was detected on Monday ina man who began showing symptoms of fever, sore throat, and cough on Sept. 11, with a rash appearing the following day, the health ministry said in a statement.

Malaysia has detected 10 cases of mpox since July last year, all of which are of the clade 2 variant.

A new form of the virus has triggered global concern as it seems to spread easily though routine close contact, leading to flu-like symptoms and pus-filled lesions.

The patient, a Malaysian national, had not traveled abroad in the 21 days prior to the onset of symptoms, the ministry said.

"All contacts of this patient are being identified, and their health status will be monitored according to strict standard operating procedures," the ministry said.

Last month, the World Health Organization declared mpox a global public health emergency , its highest form of alert, for the second time in two years, following an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo that had spread to neighbouring countries.

Caused by the monkeypox virus, the disease is usually mild but can kill, with children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems, such as those with HIV, all at higher risk of complications.

Reporting by Danial Azhar; Editing by John Mair


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