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Looming risks to yen calm vs euro

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Policymaker comments may soon shake up recently sedated trade in EUR/JPY.

The cross has been orbiting 163 since Oct. 4 amid broad dollar gains and stable interest rate differentials. The relative calm has depressed realized volatility and EUR/JPY options that capture outlier moves.

Event risks over the next month, however, may see the cross move out of its 155-164 two-month range. On Thursday, the ECB is widely expected to cut 25 basis points to 3.25% in an ongoing cycle of rate reductions. Comments by Governor Christine Lagarde will be scrutinized to see if that cycle is at risk of being paused.

Two weeks later, the BOJ will likely offer policy guidance after a review of its latest economic projections guidance and Lower House elections. Last week, BOJ Deputy Governor Ryozo Himino said the central bank will consider raising rates if the board has "greater confidence" in its economic and price forecasts. While more than half to those surveyed by Reuters see no hike until next year, bullish guidance may bring forward tightening expectations and buoy the yen.

U.S. election results in early November add another layer of market uncertainty for the cross due to potential trade barriers.

Technically, a close in EUR/JPY below the 161.87 Oct. 2 high opens the door to a slide to the 154.37 year-to-date date low. By contrast, a move above its 200-day moving average at 164.38 points to a test of its 175.90 year-to-date high.

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(Robert Fullem is a Reuters market analyst. The views expressed are his own.)


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