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Lanxess reassures with positive Q2 free cash flow

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Posts Q2 free cash flow of 83 million euros

Q2 sales decline 5.6%

Shares up as much as 6%

Recasts to focus on free cash flow, updates shares in paragraph 1 and 6, adds analyst comments throughout, CEO comment in 8

By Linda Pasquini

Aug 9 (Reuters) -Germany's Lanxess LXSG.DE generated more cash than expected in the second quarter, boosting its shares on Friday even as the speciality chemicals maker missed sales forecasts.

The company's quarterly core profit beat expectations in mid-July as it cut costs and ran its production plants more efficiently after reducing inventories in 2023.

"(Free cash flow) was clearly in positive territory and above market expectations," helped by increasing cost savings and a lower net working capital outflow, said Metzler Capital Markets analyst Thomas Schulte-Vorwick.

Net working capital is a measure of the financial strength of a business, defined as current assets minus current liabilities.

Lanxess shares were up 4.6% to 22.70 euros at 0920 GMT.

The company reported free cash flow of 83 million euros ($91 million) after generating no cash flow in the same quarter of the previous year.

"With the second quarter we are clearly heading in a positive direction again," CEO Matthias Zachert said in a media call.

Quarterly sales declined 5.6% to 1.68 billion euros, missing analysts' forecast of 1.72 billion in a poll by Vara Research as Lanxess passed on reduced raw material and energy costs through lower selling prices.

The company confirmed its forecast for earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA), before one-off items, to increase by 10-20% in 2024.

It expects EBITDA to be close to the second quarter level in July-September, but a more muted performance in the last three months of the year due to seasonal factors.

The third-quarter guidance should reduce concerns about a possible profit warning in the second half of the year, Schulte-Vorwick said.

($1 = 0.9156 euros)

Reporting by Linda Pasquini, Editing by Janane Venkatraman and Mark Potter


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