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Kevin Costner philosophical as epic Western rides into Venice

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VENICE, Sept 7 (Reuters) -Kevin Costner says the poor box office performance of his Western epic "Horizon: An American Saga" probably led the studios to delay the release of its sequel, but he refused to be downhearted.

Putting a positive spin on the setback, Costner said the decision meant that he could premiere "Chapter 2" at the Venice Film Festival, just four months after the first instalment opened to poor reviews at the Cannes Film Festival.

"It didn't have overwhelming success," the U.S. actor and director Costner told reporters on Saturday.

He acknowledged that this likely persuaded the studio bosses not to push the second part into the cinemas in August as planned - allowing it instead to come to Venice.

"What happened is the miracle of life. They won't show a film here if it's already out. And my plan was always to bring it to Venice and suddenly it has happened," he said.

A new global release date has not yet been set.

The Hollywood star has partially self-funded the project, which tells of the challenges faced by settlers expanding the American West in the late 1800s. It is meant to be told in four episodes, but Costner said he faced obstacles.

"I don't know how I'm going to make 3 right now, but I'm going to make it," he said, adding the setbacks only strengthened his resolve.

"When I feel rejection, I'm like anybody else. But when I open my eyes from my disappointment, my desire has only increased," Costner, 69, said. "I have to hurry and not let the rock fall back downhill. I've got to go put my hands on it again and start to push it up."

The "Horizon" film series covers a 15-year period before and after the 1861-1865 U.S. Civil War when white settlers expanded westward in the United States, taking land from American Indians.

Costner's previous credits in Westerns include his Oscar-winning "Dances With Wolves" in 1990 and more recently as the star of the successful five-season TV series "Yellowstone."

"Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 2" was shown out of competition on the last day of the Venice Film Festival.

Reporting by Hanna Rantala; Editing by Crispian Balmer


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