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Jury urged to hold formula makers responsible for premature baby's illness

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By Brendan Pierson

Oct 2 (Reuters) -A lawyer for a Missouri mother on Wednesday urged jurors to hold Abbott ABT.N, Reckitt's RKT.L Mead Johnson unit and St. Louis Children's Hospital responsible for a severe intestinal illness that she says her prematurely born son developed after the hospital fed him the companies' formulas.

Tim Cronin told the jurors in St. Louis state court that the two companies have long known that feeding cow's milk-based formula to very small premature babies increases their risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), but "made no attempt to tell parents at all, and no serious legitimate attempt to communicate to hospitals or doctors about the extent of the risk."

NEC occurs almost exclusively in premature babies and has an estimated fatality rate of more than 20%.

The lawsuit, brought by Elizabeth Whitfield on behalf of her son Kaine, is one of close to 1,000 similar cases now pending, and the third to go to trial. It is the first time both companies have faced trial together, and the first against a hospital. The previous trials have resulted in verdicts of $60 million against Mead Johnson and $495 million against Abbott.

Kaine Whitfield was born at St. Louis Children's in 2017 at less than 28 weeks gestation, weighing just over 1,000 grams, which is approximately 2.2 pounds.

Kaine developed NEC the following month after being fed both companies' formulas in the neonatal intensive care unit, Cronin told the jury. Kaine had to have 80% of his bowel surgically removed, which has left him with permanent health problems including malnutrition, developmental delays and cerebral palsy, Cronin said.

The lawsuit and others like it concern specialized formula for premature babies used in hospitals, not ordinary formula sold in stores.

Cronin said the companies should have warned that their formulas are dangerous for babies under 1,500 grams, which is approximately 3.3 pounds. Those babies should receive donated human milk if their mothers' milk is not available, he said.

Cronin also said that St. Louis Children's should be held responsible for feeding Kaine formula. At the time, he said, the hospital's protocol was to prioritize donor milk for babies under 1,000 grams, though it later raised the threshold to 1,500 grams.

Lawyers for the defendants are expected to make their opening statements later in the day. The companies have denied that their products cause NEC, saying instead that breast milk protects against it.

Cronin called that distinction "silly," saying that the companies should have warned that formula is associated with a higher rate of NEC even if the cause is not understood. He also said jurors would learn of animal studies supporting a causal link.

The defendants have said that parents do not see the labels for the premature baby formulas used in hospitals, and that doctors already know of the benefits of breast milk, meaning that a warning label would not change anything.

The litigation over formula has prompted alarm among doctors who say they fear that the companies could stop offering the products, which they need to feed babies when breast milk is not available.

The case is K.W v. Mead Johnson et al, Missouri Circuit Court, 22nd Judicial Circuit, City of St. Louis, No. 2222-CC06214.

For Whitfield: Tim Cronin of the Simon Law Firm

For Abbott: James Hurst of Kirkland & Ellis

For Mead Johnson: Phyllis Jones of Covington & Burling

Read more:

Abbott, Reckitt face trial over premature baby formula amid alarm from doctors

Reckitt unit hit with $60 million verdict in Enfamil baby formula case in Illinois

Abbott must pay $495 million in premature infant formula trial, jury finds

(Reporting By Brendan Pierson in New York)


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