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Italy - Factors to watch on June 28

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Friday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


(*) Italy's Forza Italia, part of the right-wing ruling coalition, will vote in favour of Ursula von der Leyen as head of the European Commission, foreign minister and head of the party Antonio Tajani said on Friday.

The move is in line with the centre-right European People's Party (EPP) stance but is in stark contrast to the decision of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to abstain from supporting von der Leyen's second mandate at the EU leaders summit on Thursday.

Italy's Constitutional Court ruled on Thursday that part of a 2022 windfall tax weighing on energy companies is unlawful, a decision that is expected to have repercussions for Rome's strained public finances.

Italy's Treasury appointed on Thursday former head of power grid Terna TRN.MI Stefano Donnarumma as new chief executive of the state railway Ferrovie dello Stato. Donnarumma replaces Luigi Ferraris, who is expected to be picked as CEO of the company running TIM's network once the sale to U.S. fund KKR is completed.


ISTAT releases April industry sales data (0800 GMT); CPI June flash data (0900 GMT); May non-EU foreign trade data (1000 GMT).



Workers waving flags demonstrated outside the Milan Stock Exchange on Thursday as they staged a historic strike to protest against the way it is being run by owner Euronext.


Bernstein started the coverage of the carmaker on Friday with a "Market-perform" rating and a 22 euro target price.


Goldman Sachs downgraded the rating on the power grid operator from "Neutral" to "Sell" on Friday, with a price target of 7.6 euros from 7.95 euros.


Italy's top insurer appointed Carlo Trabattoni as chair of Generali Investments Luxemburg S.A and Generali Real Estate SGR, it said on Thursday.


Fabio Cerchiai resigned as vice president of the insurer following his appointment as chairman of BPER Banca, the group said on Thursday.


Italian market watchdog Consob has temporarily suspended its review of the prospectus for the Vitol-sponsored mandatory tender offer on the refiner as it seeks additional information on the bid, the company said in a statement on Thursday.


Assogestioni releases May fund flows data (0900 GMT).

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni attends European Council meeting in Brussels.

Rome, Industry Ministry holds news conference to present site chosen by Silicon Box for chiplet production in Italy (0830 GMT).

Milan, The Atlantic Council presents a report by the Atlantic Council Turkey Programs on decarbonization of Europe's road transportation sector, and the case of Italy (0900 GMT).

Trieste, G7 Education ministerial meeting starts; ends on June 29.

For Italian market data and news, click on codes in

20 biggest gainers (in percentage).............PG.MI

20 biggest losers (in percentage)..............PL.MI

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