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Investment in critical minerals in web of doubt, industry says

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By Eric Onstad

PARIS, July 15 (Reuters) -Many companies are reluctant to invest in critical minerals and energy transition projects due to uncertainty about consumer demand for EVs and government commitment to zero-carbon goals, industry players said.

The long-term picture is intact of a world needing large quantities of materials such as lithium, cobalt and copper to enable the world to give up using fossil fuels.

The timing of the next several years, however, is in question, they said at the World Materials Forum in Paris last week.

Both the European Union and 12 U.S. states aim to ban new petrol car sales by 2035, but there has been a push-back about those targets.

"I think there is a lot of doubt right now that this will happen," Mathias Miedreich, former CEO of Belgium recycling and battery materials group Umicore, told the conference. "That makes it very difficult to invest."

In May Miedreich stepped down from Umicore UMI.BR, which lowered its 2024 profit forecast the following month due to weak demand projections for battery materials due to a slowing EV market.

Sales of new battery-electric cars in the EU dropped 12% in May from a year earlier.

"Financing was not a big issue a few years ago," said Stephane Michel, president of TotalEnergies TTEF.PA Gas, Renewables & Power unit. "You can still find capital now, but you have to have the right project."

TotalEnergies is part of the ACC EV battery joint venture including automakers Stellantis STLAM.MI and Mercedes MBGn.DE, which last month paused plans for German and Italian plants.

An executive with a major European chemicals group that supplies battery materials said many companies are assuming that there will be a delay of about two years in the energy transition with 2030 projections now being moved back to 2032.

"That's the view now, but it could change and be more serious, it's hard to say," the executive told Reuters, declining to be named because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

An executive of a global company involved in EV battery materials said demand for critical materials in China and Asia was holding up better than in the Europe and the United States.

"The question is where do we put our next capacity. You have to be very agile, the market is moving very fast," he said.

Reporting by Eric Onstad; editing by David Evans


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