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In Nigeria's food belt, fears of another flood as Cameroon opens dam

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By Abraham Achirga

BENUE, Nigeria, Sept 20 (Reuters) -Nigerian farmer Enoch Fater has barely slept in the last few days after water levels started rising at his paddy rice farm and in a major river nearby, pointing to impending floods in Benue state, a major food producer in the central belt.

Two years ago, Benue was among states badly hit by the worst floods in a decade when the Benue River burst its banks following torrential rains and after neighbouring Cameroon released water from its Lagdo dam.

Cameroon this week started releasing water from the dam following heavy rainfall in West and Central Africa, which displaced millions of people and could worsen a humanitarian crisis in the region.

"It (farm) is almost covered with water again," Fater said as he walked through his rice field knee high in water.

Fater expected to earn at least 800,000 naira ($495.60) from his 1 hectare farm this year but he now fears losing it all.

"Even the little (crop) I did now, I am about to losing it because of the water again," he said.

Benue is among the bread basket states in Nigeria, supplying staples like rice, cassava and yams.

Floods would destroy farms and drive up food prices at a time Nigeria is grappling with double digit inflation and a high cost of living crisis.

Aondonese Nyor, a 24-year-old small trader said she had started packing in anticipation of floods.

"I am arranging my things to pack. But if the water comes, I don't have anywhere to (go), that is my fear," said Nyor, who had to live with relatives during the 2022 floods.

At the farm, Fater, who lives with five siblings tried to put on a brave face.

"I am here until the flood is up to a high level," he said, adding he could move if authorities "provide a specified place for people who are stranded to stay."

($1 = 1,614.2000 naira)

Writing by MacDonald Dzirutwe, Editing by David Evans


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